Refugiados en la frontera compartida CC BY-NC-ND  — Tiempo de lectura: 3 minutos Por Miguel Ángel Sandoval En los últimos días vimos que se construyó el escenario de una supuesta crisis, en la frontera guatemalteco-mexicana, por la llegada de unos 600 refugiados mexicanos, huyendo de las balas perdidas de las peleas entre los narcos mexicanos, mejor dicho, de los carteles de la droga que funcionan en esa parte ... Read more ... Prensa Comunitaria 48 min
CIDH recomienda al Estado realizar una evaluación del funcionamiento del MP CC BY-NC-ND  — Tiempo de lectura: 6 minutos   La CIDH manifestó su alarma por la cantidad de personas que enfrentan procesos penales impulsados por el Ministerio Público (MP), ente que negó que exista una práctica de criminalización. Si bien el MP es un organismo autónomo, la Comisión señala que todos los organismos del Estado, incluyéndolo, tienen que rendir cuentas. Por ello, la ... Read more ... Prensa Comunitaria 1 hr
କାହାଣୀଟିଏ କହେ କମଲକୋଷ ବେତ ଚଟେଇ CC BY-NC-ND  — ପ୍ରଭାତୀ ଧର ଜଣେ ପ୍ରବୀଣ ଚଟେଇ ବୁଣାକାର ଏବଂ ତାଙ୍କ ଚଟେଇରେ ଥାଏ କଦଳୀ ଗଛ ଏବଂ ମୟୂର ଭଳି ଅନେକ ଶୁଭ ସନ୍ତକ। କମଲକୋଷ ବୁଣିବା ଏକ ବିରଳ କାରିଗରୀ ଦକ୍ଷତା ଏବଂ ପଶ୍ଚିମବଙ୍ଗର କୁଚବିହାରରେ ସେ ତାଙ୍କର ଏହି ଦକ୍ଷତାକୁ ଯୁବ ପିଢ଼ିକୁ ହସ୍ତାନ୍ତର କରିବାରେ ଲାଗି ପଡ଼ିଛନ୍ତି ... ପିପୁଲ୍ସ୍ ଆର୍କାଇଭ୍ ଅଫ୍ ରୁରାଲ୍ ଇଣ୍ଡିଆ 1 hr
কত-ই না গল্প বলে কমলকোষ পাটি CC BY-NC-ND  — কলাগাছ, ময়ুর, ইত্যাদি নানান মঙ্গলচিহ্ন দিয়ে শীতলপাটি বোনার ওস্তাদ কারিগর প্রভাতী ধর। কমলকোষ বোনার কারিগরি বর্তমানে অত্যন্ত বিরল এক কলা, যা পশ্চিমবঙ্গের কোচবিহার জেলার নতুন প্রজন্মের কারিগরদের শিখিয়ে যাওয়ার চেষ্টা চালাচ্ছেন প্রভাতী ... পিপলস আর্কাইভ অফ রুরাল ইন্ডিয়া 1 hr
कमलकोष की कहानी CC BY-NC-ND  — प्रभाती धर चटाइयां बुनने वाली एक कुशल कारीगर हैं जो चटाइयों पर केले के पेड़ों और मोरों जैसे सुंदर और शुभकारी चित्र बनाती हैं. कमलकोष की बुनावट एक दुर्लभ कारीगरी है और इस कला को वे पश्चिम बंगाल के कूच बिहार ज़िले में नई पीढ़ी के लोगों को सिखाने का काम कर रही हैं ... पीपल्स आर्काइव ऑफ़ रूरल इंडिया 1 hr
The kamalkosh cane mat tells a story CC BY-NC-ND  — Prabhati Dhar is a master weaver of mats that incorporate auspicious motifs like banana trees and peacocks. Weaving a kamalkosh is a rare skill and one that she is passing on to younger people here in Cooch Behar district of West Bengal ... People's Archive of Rural India 1 hr
Jueza Abelina Cruz libra de juicio a Manuel Baldizón en el caso Odebrecht CC BY-NC-ND  — Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos   A criterio de la jueza, el MP no presentó medios de investigación suficientes que demostraran que pudo haber cometido los delitos de fraude y asociación ilícita. Por Alexander Valdéz La jueza de mayor riesgo “D”, Abelina Cruz, dictó un nuevo fallo que favorece a otro actor vinculado en un caso de corrupción. Ahora se ... Read more ... Prensa Comunitaria 2 hr
High water temps prompt hoot-owl fishing restrictions on portion of Yellowstone River CC BY-NC-ND  — Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks has issued hoot-owl fishing restrictions on the Yellowstone River from the U.S. Highway 89 Bridge Fishing Access Site east of Livingston to the U.S. Highway 212 bridge in Laurel due to high water temperatures and low flows. The restrictions will go into effect 2 p.m., Saturday, July 27. Hoot-owl restrictions […] ... Daily Montanan 3 hr
4 2022 Nº 314 CC BY-NC-ND   Pesquisa FAPESP 3 hr
Kari Lake asks court to decide damages in Maricopa County official’s defamation case CC BY-NC-ND  — Votebeat is a nonprofit news organization reporting on voting access and election administration across the U.S. Sign up for our free newsletters here.Kari Lake is asking the court to quickly issue a judgment and to decide how much she will pay Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer in the defamation case he brought against her, according to a filing in Maricopa County Superior Court on Tuesday.Richer sued Lake — who ran for governor in 2022 and is now running for U.S. Senate — for defamation last year, alleging that Lake made defamatory allegations that he had assisted in rigging the gubernatorial election against Lake. They are both Republicans.Richer’s legal team is treating Lake’s filing, a motion for default judgment, as an admission of liability.“She has decided she cannot defend herself in this case despite continuously saying she has evidence,” said Ben Berwick, counsel at Protect Democracy, among the firms representing Richer in the lawsuit.Lake’s attorneys do not defend Lake’s claims about Richer in the filing, nor do they challenge any of Richer’s arguments about the facts. Instead, they ask the court for a quick hearing to decide damages.After filing the document, Lake said in a video posted on X that Richer’s lawsuit against her was “lawfare,” and she wouldn’t be taking part in the lawsuit. It was unclear what she meant, and one of her attorneys, Jennifer Wright, told Votebeat to contact her communications team for additional comment.But Lake also said she would continue to fight for the state, saying “even if they leave me, my husband, and children penniless, that won’t stop us.”Richer, who sued in his personal capacity, had asked the court to award him compensatory and punitive damages, along with a statement admitting her claims were false. He also asked her to remove all of the false statements from the internet. While he did not state a dollar amount in his complaint, the case has been categorized as “tier 3,” which is for cases involving $300,000 in damages.After Lake’s filing, Richer said in a statement on X that the motion represented “complete and total surrender by @KariLake.”“Kari: You lied,” he wrote. “You just accepted liability. You will now have a judgment entered, in court, against you, for lying about our elections and me. It was all B.S. Now on to damages.”Lake made many claims about Richer after she lost the election, but Richer’s legal team zeroed in on specific statements she made that they said could be easily proven false and they were confident were not hyperbole, according to Berwick, with Protect Democracy.One of those claims was that Richer “intentionally printed 19-inch images on 20-inch ballots to sabotage the 2022 Arizona general election,” according to the complaint. Another was that Richer “inserted 300,000 ‘illegal,’ ‘invalid,’ ‘phony’, and/or ‘bogus’ early-vote ballots into the Maricopa County vote count.”Lake made the claims in January 2023, in front of a large crowd at her Save Arizona Rally. She told the crowd she lost her bid for governor because of Supervisor Bill Gates and Recorder Stephen Richer’s “rigged elections,” she said. As two TV screens behind her began to display a photo of Richer and Gates, the crowd began to chant.“Lock them up! Lock them up!” they shouted.Richer does not run Election Day voting. While Maricopa County saw widespread problems with its ballot printers on Election Day, Richer did not test or deploy that equipment in his role. Lake’s claims that these problems were intentional on behalf of county officials were rejected by the courts following her election, from the local courts to the Arizona Court of Appeals. An independent investigation into the problems also found that the problems were technical in nature.The courts also rejected Lake’s claim that fake early ballots were inserted into the election results. This claim stemmed from a whistleblower report that alleged the county was missing chain-of-custody documentation on those ballots. The court found that Lake did not have any evidence for her related claim. Lake’s attorneys were later sanctioned for saying the ballot insertion was an “undisputed” fact.Richer said in his complaint that these statements had caused harm to him and his family, including harassment that took a toll on his physical and mental health.Lake is asking for medical records to support his damages claim, and specifics to support his allegation that her claims cost him Republican support from donors and others.The defamation case was just about to enter the discovery phase ahead of trial, in which Lake would have been required to provide Richer’s attorneys with private statements she had made about her claims about Richer.“Just the idea that Stephen, who is a committed public servant who has shown a real commitment to the integrity of elections in Arizona, would intentionally sabotage her election is absurd on its face,” Berwick said on Monday, before Lake’s filing. “Among other things, they are both Republicans.”Jen Fifield is a reporter for Votebeat based in Arizona. Contact Jen at ... Votebeat 3 hr
Colorado farmers tell FTC head federal right-to-repair policy needed CC BY-NC-ND  — The head of the Federal Trade Commission joined Colorado officials and farmers for a roundtable focusing on the need for federal right-to-repair legislation Friday in Longmont.  Alongside U.S. Sen. John Hickenlooper and U.S. Rep. Joe Neguse, both Democrats, Lina Khan , chair of the FTC, listened to feedback from farmers about the difficulties they have […] ... Colorado Newsline 3 hr
Ari Berman on Minority Rule CC BY-NC-ND  — If voting were made easier, Donald Trump said, "You'd never have a Republican elected in this country again." ... FAIR 4 hr
NYT’s Predictable Advice for Kamala Harris: Go Right CC BY-NC-ND  — As the Democratic Party began to coalesce behind Kamala Harris, the New York Times quickly put forward the knee-jerk corporate media prescription for Democratic candidates: Move to the right. ... FAIR 4 hr
Constructores aceptan que cometieron fraude en el Libramiento de Chimaltenango CC BY-NC-ND  — Tiempo de lectura: 3 minutos   Por la vía de aceptación de cargos, la jueza le impuso a Jorge Alfredo Tejada Argueta, representante legal de la Constructora Nacional, S.A. (Conasa); y a Carlos Figueroa, de la empresa Renova Ingenieros S.A. tres años y cuatro meses de prisión por el delito de fraude. Por Alexander Valdéz Ante la jueza de mayor riesgo ... Read more ... Prensa Comunitaria 4 hr
Judge grants injunction saying inactive voters signatures must be counted for petitions CC BY-NC-ND  — A Lewis and Clark County District Court judge granted a preliminary injunction Friday morning that says inactive voters’ signatures must count as valid signatures for three proposed ballot issues that are poised to be on November’s ballot once signature totals are certified by the Secretary of State’s Office. However, during the hearing, not all the […] ... Daily Montanan 4 hr
Protection of kids on social media platforms advances in U.S. Senate CC BY-NC-ND  — This story mentions suicide. If you or a loved one are experiencing a mental health crisis or thoughts of suicide, please dial 988 or chat with a live counselor at WASHINGTON — The U.S. Senate advanced online safety legislation Thursday aimed at protecting children from targeted advertising, data harvesting, bullying and sexual exploitation on […] ... Alaska Beacon 4 hr
Inscribite al Mediatón: Preguntas frecuentes CC BY-NC-ND  — Alharaca te invita a su Mediatón. Se trata de un laboratorio de innovación periodística para fortalecer el trabajo colaborativo. Aquí podés encontrar respuestas a preguntas frecuentes. La entrada Inscribite al Mediatón: Preguntas frecuentes se publicó primero en Alharaca. ... Alharaca 4 hr
Guatemala, el Estado que escucha a las minas e ignora a los pueblos CC BY-NC-ND  — Tiempo de lectura: 6 minutos   Las comunidades en Guatemala han reclamado la falta de cumplimiento de los derechos de consulta y participación, fundamentales para los pueblos indígenas y mestizo, el Estado ha desatendido la vinculación de los resultados de las consultas y ha protegido la operación de las mineras. Cuatro resistencias antimineras ejemplifican estos casos. Por Prensa Comunitaria A lo ... Read more ... Prensa Comunitaria 4 hr
UAB says 1,655 patients’ health information shared in breach CC BY-NC-ND  — The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) School of Nursing said Friday that a postcard recruiting people to a study inadvertently shared protected health information for 1,655 patients.  The postcard, intended to encourage participation in a survey related to a breast cancer diagnosis, displayed the patient’s first and last name, address, and inferred their diagnosis. […] ... Alabama Reflector 4 hr
Aparición de plaga en cultivos de milpa preocupa a pobladores de Cobán CC BY-NC-ND  — Tiempo de lectura: 4 minutos   Una plaga de insectos está afectando aceleradamente grandes extensiones de milpa, en la aldea San Benito, del municipio de Cobán, Alta Verapaz. Varios agricultores indican que es la primera vez que se enfrentan a esta plaga, que amenaza con destruir totalmente la producción. El cultivo de milpa es la única fuente de subsistencia e ... Read more ... Prensa Comunitaria 5 hr
NM governor says special session ‘was not fair,’ but she won’t punish wildfire survivors for it CC BY-NC-ND  — More than a week after a contentious special legislative session, New Mexico’s governor still has not signed the single piece of legislation lawmakers sent to her desk. As part of a wide ranging five-hour-long town hall meeting in Las Cruces on Thursday night, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham talked about House Bill 1, the only proposal […] ... Source NM 5 hr
The Struggling Lifecycle of a Book in Tunisia CC BY-NC-ND  — In 2016, headlines heralded that Arabs read far less than Europeans, based on a UNESCO-affiliated study. While the news reports misinterpreted the findings—which apparently referred only to Arab children rather than all Arabs—subsequent reports alleged that even those numbers and the methodology behind it were dubious. Despite the lack of solid data on reading hours, […] The post The Struggling Lifecycle of a Book in Tunisia appeared first on Meshkal. ... Meshkal 5 hr
Data privacy after Dobbs: Is period tracking safe? CC BY-NC-ND  — After the Supreme Court overturned the constitutional right to abortion in 2022 and abortion was banned in the state of Tennessee, Dr. Danielle Kelvas quit using an app that tracked her menstrual cycle. “It frightened me. … I actually got frightened because it tracked me for, like, a week,” Kelvas said of the Oura Ring […] ... Stateline News 5 hr
Kamala Harris needs a VP candidate. Could a governor fit the bill? CC BY-NC-ND  — In her search for a running mate in her presidential bid, Vice President Kamala Harris is said to be eyeing a clutch of contenders with executive experience enhanced by an outside-the-Beltway flavor — at least five governors from the Rust Belt, South and Midwest. Harris, if nominated by Democrats and elected, would be the first […] ... Kentucky Lantern 5 hr
Colorado Gov. Polis should be considered for VP, Rep. Neguse says CC BY-NC-ND  — U.S. Rep. Joe Neguse said Colorado Gov. Jared Polis should be included in conversations as a potential vice presidential nominee.  Neguse, of Lafayette, and U.S. Sen. John Hickenlooper of Colorado both signaled strong support Friday for Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic presidential nominee after a roundtable in Longmont focused on right-to-repair policy. The […] ... Colorado Newsline 5 hr
Kamala Harris needs a VP candidate. Could a governor fit the bill? CC BY-NC-ND  — In her search for a running mate in her presidential bid, Vice President Kamala Harris is said to be eyeing a clutch of contenders with executive experience enhanced by an outside-the-Beltway flavor — at least five governors from the Rust Belt, South and Midwest. Harris, if nominated by Democrats and elected, would be the first […] ... Wisconsin Examiner 5 hr
Michigan Aug. 6 primary: What to know about absentee ballots, early voting CC BY-NC-ND  — With the Michigan primary fast approaching, election officials recommend you return absentee ballots in person rather than by mail. Here’s what else you need to know. ... BridgeDetroit 5 hr
Are Arizona cases of bubonic plague transmitted by immigrants? CC BY-NC-ND  — Are Arizona cases of bubonic plague transmitted by immigrants? is reporting published by Arizona Center for Investigative Reporting, Arizona's only nonprofit newsroom dedicated to statewide investigative reporting. No. There is no evidence to suggest the disease is transmitted by undocumented immigrants. No cases of human to human transmission in the United States have been documented since 1924. Are Arizona cases of bubonic plague transmitted by immigrants? is reporting published by Arizona Center for Investigative Reporting, Arizona's only nonprofit newsroom dedicated to statewide investigative reporting. ... Arizona Center for Investigative Reporting 6 hr
Why some voters jumped on the chance to vote early in-person, while others passed CC BY-NC-ND  — Votebeat is a nonprofit news organization reporting on voting access and election administration across the U.S. Sign up for our free newsletters here.In Michigan, Democrats have taken advantage of absentee voting at higher rates than Republicans. But the first person to vote in Harrison Township using the state’s new early in-person voting option was a Republican activist, Brian Pannebecker, who was on his way to a Donald Trump rally where he would join the former president on stage and encourage supporters to vote early.“If we don’t use every tool possible to vote and get people’s vote banked as early as possible, then we’re going to get crushed on Election Day,” he told Votebeat.Pannebecker was one of a group of voters from across the political spectrum Votebeat spoke with to understand who was taking advantage of the new early in-person voting program, and why or why not.Their motivations varied, but some did not use the option because they had not heard of early in-person voting, and others did not understand the difference between that and absentee voting. Still others knew of the new option but wanted to vote on the day of the primary because they enjoy the civic action.Detroiter Chris Harmon said he appreciated the change, though he thought it was a minor one and was skeptical that it would boost turnout.“I like the security of it, and it’s easy, and I go home knowing that my vote went through that machine,” he said.The presidential primary marks the first statewide election in which Michigan has adopted the new rules required by Prop 2, a 2022 citizen ballot initiative approved by 60% of voters that aimed to expand voting access.Among other provisions, it mandated nine days of early in-person voting, which began on Feb. 17 for the presidential primary and ran until Sunday. The new process is similar to absentee voting, but includes a significant procedural difference. A Michigan voter could previously obtain an absentee ballot, fill it out, and hand it to an election official in a clerk’s office.The new law gives voters the opportunity to place their ballot directly in the tabulators, just as they would on election day. The vote is immediately counted by the machine, instead of counted later, as would be the case with an absentee ballot.The secretary of state on Monday reported about 78,000 people statewide had taken advantage of early in-person voting, while 934,000 had returned absentee ballots so far.Detroit resident Michael Curry said he normally votes by mail because he has health issues that make it difficult for him to visit a polling place. But on Thursday, he went to the Detroit Bureau of Elections because the state sent him a ballot for the Republican primary by mistake and he wanted to vote in the Democratic primary.Curry said he would put the ballot in the tabulator himself instead of handing it to an election official.“And I’m going to feel good about it,” he said, but added he would return to voting by mail in the future.Other voters, including Val Stevens of Hamtramck, were less inclined to cast ballots early.“I like participating on Election Day because it feels like I’m interacting with my community,” Stevens said. “It’s nice to see people I know personally while we’re all participating in the voting process.”Hamtramck resident Jeff Fournier, Stevens’ husband, votes in every election and is civically engaged, but said he had never before heard of early in-person voting.“That’s cool,” he said when the process was explained to him, but he added that “it would be even cooler” if election day were a holiday.He said he has voted absentee in the past when he is out of town but tries to make it to the polls on the day of the election. Though he supports the expansion of voting access and thinks early in-person voting is a good idea, he said he’ll still vote in person on Tuesday.“Honestly, I think of alternative ways to vote as something that helps people who otherwise have trouble voting,” he said.Among those who did not understand the difference between the two options is Hamtramck resident Mo, a naturalized U.S. citizen originally from Yemen who said he did not feel comfortable sharing his full name.“If the vote counts either way, then I’m happy with doing it either way,” Mo said.In St. Clair Shores in Macomb County, Republican Chris Vitale, a city council member, said he is also encouraging Trump supporters to vote early, even if he wishes it weren’t an option. He said Michigan has roughly an equal number of Republican and Democratic voters who are politically active and will vote in most elections.But most of the electorate, Vitale said, are not consistent voters, especially if there is something else they need to do on election day besides casting a ballot. He said this group is more likely to utilize absentee or early in-person voting. Democrats in Michigan have been much more successful about mobilizing liberal-leaning voters in that group to vote, he added.“You can’t ignore that vast group, and if one side is going to go after it, then the other side is going to have to go after it, too. We’ve got to capture those people,” Vitale said.Pannebecker, the early voter in Harrison Township, said he did not trust the security of early in-person voting, noting that other countries, like France, only allow voting on Election Day, and “there is no reason the US can’t either.” (Experts have said there are several reasons why France, a much smaller county with one race on the ballot, can handle single-day voting more easily.) But Pannebecker said he will still continue to urge Republicans to vote early.“I’m walking the walk and practicing what I preach even if I don’t like it,” he said. “I think we should have to vote in one day ... but it gives everyone a 10-day window to get their ballot in, so if they are sick on election day, or they do have a car accident or they are called out of town on business, then their votes are already banked.”Votebeat contributor Tom Perkins is a freelance reporter in Hamtramck, Michigan. ... Votebeat 6 hr
La frontera imperial: Los Ángeles-El Darién CC BY-NC-ND  — Tiempo de lectura: 3 minutos Por Fabián Campos En el siglo XIX el pensamiento imperial estadounidense determinó que para lograr su “Destino manifiesto” deberían de establecerse una zona exclusiva para la realización de los intereses económicos de sus élites. Para cumplir con su “misión divina” le arrebataron la mitad del territorio a México, inventaron ataques para apoderarse de Cuba, Filipinas, ... Read more ... Prensa Comunitaria 6 hr
How a region responded to Ohio U.S. Sen. J.D. Vance’s ‘Hillbilly Elegy’ with their own book CC BY-NC-ND  — As a tenth generation Appalachian, Ivy Brashear sees J.D. Vance’s 2016 memoir “Hillbilly Elegy” as a “really one-sided and simple view of the region.” In an effort to help broaden people’s view of Appalachia, she decided to share her own narrative as part of a collection of writings in the 2019 book, “Appalachian Reckoning: A Region […] ... Daily Montanan 6 hr
Kamala Harris needs a VP candidate. Could a governor fit the bill? CC BY-NC-ND  — In her search for a running mate in her presidential bid, Vice President Kamala Harris is said to be eyeing a clutch of contenders with executive experience enhanced by an outside-the-Beltway flavor — at least five governors from the Rust Belt, South and Midwest. Harris, if nominated by Democrats and elected, would be the first […] ... Daily Montanan 6 hr
Passage of the federal Alternatives to PAIN Act would protect seniors CC BY-NC-ND  —  This bipartisan bill would increase access for seniors to non-opioid pain management options in Medicare Part D. The post Passage of the federal Alternatives to PAIN Act would protect seniors appeared first on MinnPost. ... MinnPost 6 hr
Gianforte declares disaster in Missoula, Mineral counties after Wednesday’s storm CC BY-NC-ND  — Governor Greg Gianforte today issued an executive order declaring a disaster in Missoula and Mineral counties.  “A recent severe thunderstorm toppled trees and downed power poles in the Missoula area, leaving too many residents without power. I appreciate the rapid response of our electric cooperatives to restore power to affected communities,” Gov. Gianforte said. “Today’s […] ... Daily Montanan 6 hr
A Canadian gold mine spill raises fears among Alaskans on the Yukon River CC BY-NC-ND  — A cyanide spill at a major gold mine in the Yukon Territory — high in the Yukon River watershed — has sparked widespread concern in Canada. But Alaska salmon advocates say the mishap isn’t just a problem for Yukoners: The spill happened upstream of a tributary of the Yukon River. The Yukon is Alaska’s biggest […] ... Alaska Beacon 6 hr
Comisiones de Postulación son convocadas a reunión la próxima semana CC BY-NC-ND  — Tiempo de lectura: 3 minutos   La investigación contra comisionados por parte del MP, el cronograma del proceso de elección y la convocatoria para la recepción de expedientes serán algunos de los primeros temas que abordarán en la primera reunión con todos los comisionados juramentados. Por Isela Espinoza Los rectores de la Universidades Rafael Landívar, Miquel Cortés; y Raúl Horacio ... Read more ... Prensa Comunitaria 6 hr
Former executive director of Oklahoma cosmetology board offered severance agreement CC BY-NC-ND  — OKLAHOMA CITY – A state board that oversees Oklahoma’s cosmetology and barbering industry has agreed to pay its former executive director a severance package worth over $20,000, the agency’s records show. The Oklahoma State Board of Cosmetology and Barbering agreed to pay Malena Curtsinger $20,708 as part of her April 22 departure, according to the […] ... Oklahoma Voice 6 hr
Local nonprofit offers free lead testing, water filters for New Orleans residents CC BY-NC-ND  —  The Water Collaborative of Greater New Orleans is collecting water quality data to find out how many homes in the city have elevated lead levels in their water. The post Local nonprofit offers free lead testing, water filters for New Orleans residents appeared first on Verite News. ... Verite 6 hr
Estado de la libertad de expresión artística en América Latina (2020 CC BY-NC-ND  — La libertad de expresión artística es un termómetro preciso del estado de los derechos humanos; por ello, documentar y analizar los ataques a artistas y expresiones artísticas permite reflexionar sobre lo que representa el respeto a los derechos humanos para la sociedad en general. El presente informe analiza los ataques a la libertad de expresión artística en América Latina por parte de actores estatales, del narcotráfico y del crimen organizado. El foco principal es el período 2020- 2022 sin excluir referencias a períodos anteriores cuando sea necesario. El parteaguas elegido ha sido la pandemia de COVID-19 que inauguró una serie de crisis económicas, políticas e institucionales a partir de las políticas públicas de los gobiernos de la región y afectó especialmente al sector cultural y artístico. ... Cartel Urbano 7 hr
پیپلز آرکائیو آف رورل انڈیا ریت کے ٹیلوں میں گونجتی مورچنگ کی آواز CC BY-NC-ND  — موہن لال لوہار نصف صدی سے زیادہ عرصے سے مورچنگ بنا رہے ہیں۔ اس ضربی ساز کی آواز کو راجستھان کے ریت کے ٹیلوں پر ہر جگہ سنا جا سکتا ہے 8 hr
Defense secretary orders review of Wounded Knee Massacre medals CC BY-NC-ND  — The medals awarded to soldiers who participated in the 1890 Wounded Knee Massacre will be subjected to a review, the U.S. Department of Defense announced Wednesday. The department said the review’s purpose is “to ensure no awardees were recognized for conduct inconsistent with the nation’s highest military honor.” The move comes after years of activism […] ... Daily Montanan 8 hr
U.S. home prices hit a record high as sales fell. Here’s how housing experts explain the trends CC BY-NC-ND  — U.S. median home prices hit a record high for the second month in a row as sales continued to fall, according to a report released this week, as potential buyers continue to lie in wait for lower mortgage rates. Existing home sales fell 5.4% in June and median home sales reached its highest level on […] ... Alaska Beacon 8 hr
The night White women raised millions for Harris. And broke Zoom. CC BY-NC-ND  — “Girl, we broke Zoom,” Erin Gallagher said over text at 8:10 a.m., less than nine hours after wrapping up “White Women: Answer The Call! Show up for Kamala Harris,” a meeting held over Zoom Thursday night. So many more women than anticipated logged into the call that the platform crashed several times, forcing many participants […] The post The night White women raised millions for Harris. And broke Zoom. appeared first on The 19th. ... The 19th News 8 hr
Tentative agreement reached between Minneapolis Park and Rec and union workers CC BY-NC-ND  —  Plus: Miracle of Birth Center won’t have birthing cows due to bird flu fears; the Kellogg Boulevard/3rd Street bridge in St. Paul closing until 2028; Chef Reactions coming to the Minnesota State Fair; and more. The post Tentative agreement reached between Minneapolis Park and Rec and union workers appeared first on MinnPost. ... MinnPost 8 hr
Nieuws voor VRT CC BY-NC-ND  — Op 21 juli heb ik onder de titel “Slecht VRT-nieuws” mij geërgerd aan VRT, waar ze na zoveel jaar het nog steeds hebben over Russiagate en de Russische inmenging in de verkiezingen van 2016 in de VS. Voor wie amerikaanse politiek enigszins volgt is het allang zonneklaar dat Russiagate uitgelopen is op een sisser en overgevloeid is in Russiahoax. Nu VRT nog... Alsof de duivel ermee gemoeid is, heeft Rick Sánchez het vandaag in zijn show “ ... 8 hr
சுய உதவிக் குழு கடன் நெருக்கடியால் தொடரும் தற்கொலைகள்! CC BY-NC-ND  — ஒரு பக்கம் அம்பானி ஊதாரித்தனமாக பல ஆயிரம் கோடிகளில் ஆடம்பரத் திருமணம் நடத்திக் கொண்டிருக்கின்ற நாட்டில், ரூபாய் 5 ஆயிரம் கடனுக்காக எளிய மக்கள் தற்கொலை செய்து கொள்வது எவ்வளவு கொடூரமானது… ... வினவு 8 hr
Cullman man pleads guilty to threatening Arizona election workers CC BY-NC-ND  — A Cullman man pleaded guilty on Friday to sending threatening messages to Arizona election workers in Maricopa County during the 2022 Arizona primary elections. Brian Jerry Ogstad, 60, admitted to sending multiple threatening messages over social media, including explicit threats of violence and execution against election workers. He faces a maximum sentence of five years […] ... Alabama Reflector 9 hr
Watch a Q&A with Pennsylvania’s top elections official CC BY-NC-ND  — Votebeat is a nonprofit news organization reporting on voting access and election administration across the U.S. Sign up for our free newsletters here.This year, Pennsylvania voters will cast their ballots for president, members of Congress, top state offices such as attorney general and treasurer, and more.In 2020, the state was subjected to false claims of election fraud fueled by former President Donald Trump. The claims led to a flood of lawsuits, some of which went to the state’s Supreme Court and sowed distrust in Pennsylvania’s election system.On April 2, Al Schmidt, head of the Pennsylvania Department of State, joined Votebeat and Spotlight PA to discuss how his agency is working to create trust in our election system and combat misinformation. The event also included a Q&A with a University of Pittsburgh researcher on how to spot election misinformation.Watch the event in full below: ... Votebeat 9 hr
運科團隊大進階、「基因教練」首上場,治得好奧運國家隊的「硬傷」嗎? CC BY-NC-ND  — 成立不到一年的國家運動科學中心,巴黎奧運也一同出擊!不只和國訓中心聯手出動30人的運動科學團隊,還有「基因教練」、預防性投藥的「菜單」、克服巴黎時差的攻略⋯⋯ ... 報導者 9 hr
王子榮/《九龍城寨之圍城》──立於亂世浮木的流離失所者,如何安身? CC BY-NC-ND  — 刻劃三不管地帶中江湖險惡與兄弟情長的賣座港片《九龍城寨之圍城》,在拳腳刀光劍影之外,更帶出失根難民在社會立足的司法難題。王子榮以此談及難民法立法牛步的台灣,在二戰與反送中後,如何應對尋求庇護的流離失所者。 ... 報導者 9 hr