【錯誤】網傳圖卡「美國殯葬業者說不要打疫苗」? Attribution+  — 【報告將隨時更新 2024/7/26版】 近期,社群平台流傳一張圖卡,稱疫苗是生化武器,連美國殯儀館在運屍車上都警告「別打疫苗」。這是真的嗎? 一、網傳圖卡實為北卡羅萊納州廣告公司Boone Oakley發起的廣告活動,建立了一個虛擬殯儀館廣告,目的是希望民眾去打疫苗。 廣告公司總監表示,會想建立假造的殯儀館,是希望透過反向操作的廣告手法宣傳,「若不施打疫苗」可能會帶來的影響。 二、實際點入活動網站,網站中的按鈕會將使用者導引至當地緊急醫療機構的疫苗預約施打網站,引導民眾預約施打疫苗。 傳言僅看圖說故事、扭曲原始活動的意義,因此,為「錯誤」訊息。 ... 台灣事實查核中心 2 min
ຄໍາສັບພາສາອັງກິດໃນຂ່າວ Inevitable ແປວ່າ ສິ່ງທີ່ຫຼີກລ້ຽງບໍ່ໄດ້ Public Domain  — ໃນຄໍານາມ Inevitable ໝາຍເຖິງສິ່ງທີ່ຫຼີກລ້ຽງບໍ່ໄດ້, ໃນຄໍາຄຸນສັບ ໝາຍເຖິງບາງສິ່ງແມ່ນຈະເກີດຂຶ້ນຢ່າງແນ່ນອນ, ມັນບໍ່ສາມາດ ຫຼີກລ່ຽງໄດ້ ... ສຽງອາເມຣິກາ 7 min
Ejo Public Domain  — Ejo ni ikiganiro cy'iminota 30 gitegurwa n'urubyiruko rwo mu Rwanda, kibanda ku bibazo binyuranye ruhura na byo. Ibyo birimo kwihangira imirimo, guteza imbere umuco wo kuganiro mu cyubahiro, no gushimangira ubumwe n'ubwiyunge mu karere k'ibiyaga bigari by'Afurika. ... Ijwi ry’Amerika 8 min
Таңкы Азаттык (2-чыгарылыш) Attribution+  — Бул таңкы берүүнүн кайталоосу Бишкек убакыты боюнча саат 08:00ден 09:00га чейин кайталанат. ... Азаттык үналгысы 8 min
Боздошти тоҷикон муҳоҷирони дигарро дар Амрико нигарон кард Attribution+  — Дастгир шудани ҳашт  зодаи Тоҷикистон дар ИМА дар моҳи июни имсол ба гумони ҳамкорӣ бо гурӯҳи террористии “Давлати исломӣ” яке аз доғтарин хабарҳои расонаҳои Амрико дар мавзӯи хатари ҳамлаи террористӣ ва беназоратии сарҳади ИМА бо Мексика буд. ... Радиои Аврупои Озод/Радиои Озодӣ 9 min
Вазъи муҳоҷирони тоҷик дар ИМА пас аз боздошти ҳашт  зодаи Тоҷикистон бо гумони ҳамкорӣ бо ДОИШ Attribution+  — Дастгир шудани ҳашт  зодаи Тоҷикистон дар ИМА дар моҳи июни имсол ба гумони ҳамкорӣ бо гурӯҳи террористии “Давлати исломӣ” яке аз доғтарин хабарҳои расонаҳои Амрико дар мавзӯи хатари ҳамлаи террористӣ ва беназоратии сарҳади ИМА бо Мексика буд. ... Радиои Аврупои Озод/Радиои Озодӣ 9 min
Cơ hội, lựa chọn nào cho thời 'hậu Nguyễn Phú Trọng'? Public Domain  — Kỹ sư Nguyễn Gia Kiểng, nhà quan sát chính trị Việt Nam từ Pháp, chia sẻ trên quan điểm riêng viễn kiến của ông về tình thế của ĐCSVN hậu thời kỳ của TBT Nguyễn Phú Trọng, người mới qua đời ở tuổi 80 tại Hà Nội trong lúc đang chỉ đạo dở dang việc chuẩn bị kỳ cho ĐH14 của đảng này. ... Đài Tiếng Nói Hoa 12 min
Media Mesir: Mediator Gaza, Kepala Intelijen Israel akan Bertemu di Italia Public Domain  — Kairo, Mesir — Mediator Mesir, Qatar dan Amerika Serikat (AS) akan bertemu dengan para perunding Israel di ibu kota Italia pada Minggu (28/7) dalam upaya terbaru untuk gencatan senjata di Gaza. Rencana pertemuan itu dilaporkan oleh media yang terkait dengan pemerintah Mesir. “Pertemuan empat arah antara para pejabat Mesir dan rekan-rekan mereka dari Amerika dan Qatar, di hadapan kepala intelijen Israel, akan diadakan di Roma pada Minggu untuk mencapai kesepakatan mengenai gencatan senjata di Gaza,” Al-Qahera News, yang bertautan dengan intelijen Mesir, melaporkan Jumat (26/7), mengutip seorang "pejabat senior" yang tidak disebutkan namanya. Mesir, bersama Qatar dan Amerika Serikat, telah terlibat dalam upaya mediasi selama berbulan-bulan yang bertujuan mengakhiri perang Israel-Hamas yang berkecamuk di Jalur Gaza selama lebih dari sembilan bulan. Kesepakatan gencatan senjata yang diusulkan akan dikaitkan dengan pembebasan sandera yang ditahan oleh militan Gaza dengan imbalan tahanan Palestina yang ditahan di Israel. Media pemberitaan AS, Axios, secara terpisah melaporkan bahwa Direktur Badan Intelijen Pusat AS (Central Intelligence Agency/CIA) Bill Burns diperkirakan akan mengadakan pembicaraan mengenai masalah ini di Roma pada Minggu dengan para pejabat Israel, Qatar dan Mesir. Pejabat yang dikutip oleh Al-Qahera News mengatakan Mesir bersikeras untuk melakukan “gencatan senjata segera” sebagai bagian dari perjanjian tersebut, yang juga harus “menjamin masuknya bantuan kemanusiaan ke Gaza” dan “menjaga kebebasan bergerak” warga sipil di Gaza. wilayah Palestina. Kairo juga ingin melihat “penarikan penuh [Israel] dari penyeberangan Rafah” yang menghubungkan Gaza ke Mesir, pejabat itu menambahkan. Upaya mediasi baru-baru ini berfokus pada kerangka kerja yang disampaikan Presiden AS Joe Biden pada akhir Mei, dan menyebutnya sebagai proposal Israel. Pada Kamis (25/7), Perdana Menteri Israel Benjamin Netanyahu berpidato di depan Kongres AS, memohon dukungan AS yang berkelanjutan, sebelum bertemu dengan Biden dan Wakil Presiden Kamala Harris. Harris, yang kemungkinan besar akan menjadi calon dari Partai Demokrat dalam pemilihan presiden AS akhir tahun ini, mengatakan setelah pertemuan tersebut bahwa dia tidak akan “diam” atas penderitaan di Gaza dan bahwa sudah waktunya untuk mengakhiri konflik yang “menghancurkan” tersebut. Perang Gaza dimulai setelah serangan Hamas pada 7 Oktober di Israel selatan yang mengakibatkan kematian sekitar 1.200 orang. Dari sekitar 250 orang yang disandera hari itu, lebih dari 100 orang masih ditahan di Jalur Gaza, termasuk 39 orang yang menurut militer Israel sudah tewas. Israel melancarkan kampanye pembalasan terhadap penguasa Gaza, Hamas, yang menewaskan lebih dari 39.000 orang di wilayah tersebut, menurut Kementerian Kesehatan Israel, yang tidak membedakan antara kematian warga sipil dan militan. [ft] ... Voice of America 13 min
Uranium: le français Orano plombé par ses déboires au Niger Attribution+  —  Orano plombé par ses activités au Niger. La junte au pouvoir depuis un an avait décidé en juin d'exproprier le groupe français, spécialiste du combustible nucléaire, de la mine d'Imouraren. En conséquence, Orano termine le premier semestre avec une perte de 133 millions d'euros. ... Radio France Internationale 17 min
Venezuela: une production de pétrole en hausse, mais insuffisante Attribution+  —  Les électeurs vénézuéliens sont appelés aux urnes ce dimanche pour choisir entre maintenir le président autoritaire Nicolas Maduro au pouvoir, ou élire Edmundo Gonzalez, le candidat de l'opposition. Après des années d'hyperinflation qui ont fait exploser la pauvreté et poussé des millions de Vénézuéliens à fuir leur pays, l'économie va enfin un petit peu mieux, notamment grâce à une hausse de la production de pétrole. ... Radio France Internationale 17 min
Circle of Beads Continues to Seek Voting Indigenous Hamilton Council Seat CC BY-SA  — "The point is that a seat should be reserved for the Indigenous community, which had mainstream political processes imposed upon it and have not had a meaningful voice in these processes, to the community’s ongoing detriment," reads a press statement. ... The Public Record 20 min
Itoobiya oo u murugooneysa dadki ku dhintay masiibadi dhul-go’a Public Domain   Codka Mareykanka 32 min
报道称美军曾在菲律宾传播贬损中国疫苗信息,五角大楼回应:中国疫情期散布虚假信息,美军用各平台对抗恶意影响力 Public Domain  — 针对有媒体星期五(7月26日)报道美国军方最近承认在COVID-19大流行病期间在菲律宾传播过贬损中国疫苗的宣传,美国国防部当天就美国之音的置评请求回应说,五角大楼“使用包括社交媒体在内的各种平台来对抗针对美国、盟友与伙伴的恶意影响力攻击”,并强调中国当时曾“发起虚假信息运动,错误地将COVID-19的传播归咎于美国”。 ... 美国之音 35 min
A bari ya huce Public Domain   Voice of America 36 min
امریکا غږ سږ کال به افغانستان کې په تاریخي کچه د کوکنارو کښت کم وي، څیړنه Public Domain  — د یوې نوې څیړنې معلومات ښیي چې سږ کال به په افغانستان کې د کوکنارو کښت دومره لږ وي چې په تاریخ کې ساری نلري. 47 min
Las deudas a los proveedores es un mal endémico de muchas corporaciones locales CC BY-SA  — varios concellos, sobre todo los de las ciudades, arrastran dos debilidades debidas a negligencias o mala gestión. ... Mundiario 47 min
Таңкы Азаттык Attribution+  — "Азаттык үналгысынын" бул берүүсү Бишкек убакыты боюнча саат 07:00ден 08:00ге чейин обого чыгарылат. ... Азаттык үналгысы 48 min
O que é que um nome tem? O candidato republicano à vice-presidência, JD Vance, já teve muitos Public Domain  — Quando se trata do nome do candidato republicano à vice-presidência, JD Vance, é complicado. ... Voz da América 50 min
Tòa ở Missouri: Abbott phải trả 495 triệu USD trong vụ kiện về sữa cho trẻ sinh non Public Domain  — Hôm thứ Sáu 26/7, một bồi thẩm đoàn xác định rằng loại sữa bột dành riêng cho trẻ sinh non của hãng Abbott Laboratories đã khiến một bé gái ở bang Illinois mắc một căn bệnh đường ruột nguy hiểm, họ yêu cầu hãng chăm sóc sức khỏe này phải bồi thường thiệt hại là 495 triệu đô la. ... Đài Tiếng Nói Hoa 52 min
Cơ hội, lựa chọn nào cho thời 'hậu Nguyễn Phú Trọng'? Public Domain  — Kỹ sư Nguyễn Gia Kiểng, nhà quan sát chính trị Việt Nam từ Pháp, chia sẻ trên quan điểm riêng viễn kiến của ông về tình thế của ĐCSVN hậu thời kỳ của TBT Nguyễn Phú Trọng, người mới qua đời ở tuổi 80 tại Hà Nội trong lúc đang chỉ đạo dở dang việc chuẩn bị kỳ cho ĐH14 của đảng này. ... Đài Tiếng Nói Hoa 52 min
Dust in the air: Lack of transparency over Gauteng farming project funding CC BY-ND  — A number of organisations that received funding from the Gauteng Department of Social Development through the Daracorp non-profit, say Daracorp never delivered on their promises ... GroundUp 57 min
Refugiados en la frontera compartida CC BY-NC-ND  — Tiempo de lectura: 3 minutos Por Miguel Ángel Sandoval En los últimos días vimos que se construyó el escenario de una supuesta crisis, en la frontera guatemalteco-mexicana, por la llegada de unos 600 refugiados mexicanos, huyendo de las balas perdidas de las peleas entre los narcos mexicanos, mejor dicho, de los carteles de la droga que funcionan en esa parte ... Read more ... Prensa Comunitaria 1 hr
El G-20 da un paso histórico para abordar la fiscalidad de los superricos CC BY-SA  — Por primera vez, el grupo de las mayores economías mundiales acuerda cooperar para garantizar una tributación efectiva de los más ricos, aunque sin concretar un marco común. ... Mundiario 1 hr
Otro tren que se nos escapa CC BY-SA  — De nuevo el sur de Galicia se queda viendo como una y otra vez pasan por delante de sus narices los trenes, las oportunidades y los grandes proyectos. ... Mundiario 1 hr
Փարիզում մեկնարկել են օլիմպիական խաղերը, ինչին քաղաքը երկար պատրաստվել է Public Domain  — Միլիարդավոր դոլարներ, միլիոնավոր զբոսաշրջիկներ, հազարավոր մարզիկներ ու անվտանգության ուժեր. այս թվերը վերաբերում են Փարիզի օլիմպիական խաղերին: Ճի՛շտ հարյուր տարի անց Ֆրանսիայի շքեղ մայրաքաղաքը վերստին հյուրընկալում է ամառային օլիմպիական խաղերը, որոնց նախապատրաստությունը դյուրին չանցավ։ ... Ամերիկայի Ձայն 1 hr
Another commissioner resigns from the SDC board CC BY  — Serina Chavez, who was elected to represent the Social Development Commission’s District 5 and serves as the board’s secretary, resigned from the SDC Board of Commissioners on Friday. ... Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service 1 hr
CIDH recomienda al Estado realizar una evaluación del funcionamiento del MP CC BY-NC-ND  — Tiempo de lectura: 6 minutos   La CIDH manifestó su alarma por la cantidad de personas que enfrentan procesos penales impulsados por el Ministerio Público (MP), ente que negó que exista una práctica de criminalización. Si bien el MP es un organismo autónomo, la Comisión señala que todos los organismos del Estado, incluyéndolo, tienen que rendir cuentas. Por ello, la ... Read more ... Prensa Comunitaria 1 hr
କାହାଣୀଟିଏ କହେ କମଲକୋଷ ବେତ ଚଟେଇ CC BY-NC-ND  — ପ୍ରଭାତୀ ଧର ଜଣେ ପ୍ରବୀଣ ଚଟେଇ ବୁଣାକାର ଏବଂ ତାଙ୍କ ଚଟେଇରେ ଥାଏ କଦଳୀ ଗଛ ଏବଂ ମୟୂର ଭଳି ଅନେକ ଶୁଭ ସନ୍ତକ। କମଲକୋଷ ବୁଣିବା ଏକ ବିରଳ କାରିଗରୀ ଦକ୍ଷତା ଏବଂ ପଶ୍ଚିମବଙ୍ଗର କୁଚବିହାରରେ ସେ ତାଙ୍କର ଏହି ଦକ୍ଷତାକୁ ଯୁବ ପିଢ଼ିକୁ ହସ୍ତାନ୍ତର କରିବାରେ ଲାଗି ପଡ଼ିଛନ୍ତି ... ପିପୁଲ୍ସ୍ ଆର୍କାଇଭ୍ ଅଫ୍ ରୁରାଲ୍ ଇଣ୍ଡିଆ 1 hr
কত-ই না গল্প বলে কমলকোষ পাটি CC BY-NC-ND  — কলাগাছ, ময়ুর, ইত্যাদি নানান মঙ্গলচিহ্ন দিয়ে শীতলপাটি বোনার ওস্তাদ কারিগর প্রভাতী ধর। কমলকোষ বোনার কারিগরি বর্তমানে অত্যন্ত বিরল এক কলা, যা পশ্চিমবঙ্গের কোচবিহার জেলার নতুন প্রজন্মের কারিগরদের শিখিয়ে যাওয়ার চেষ্টা চালাচ্ছেন প্রভাতী ... পিপলস আর্কাইভ অফ রুরাল ইন্ডিয়া 1 hr
कमलकोष की कहानी CC BY-NC-ND  — प्रभाती धर चटाइयां बुनने वाली एक कुशल कारीगर हैं जो चटाइयों पर केले के पेड़ों और मोरों जैसे सुंदर और शुभकारी चित्र बनाती हैं. कमलकोष की बुनावट एक दुर्लभ कारीगरी है और इस कला को वे पश्चिम बंगाल के कूच बिहार ज़िले में नई पीढ़ी के लोगों को सिखाने का काम कर रही हैं ... पीपल्स आर्काइव ऑफ़ रूरल इंडिया 1 hr
Donald Trump seçim kampanyasını Kamala Harris'e göre şekillendiriyor Public Domain  — ABD başkanlık yarışında Başkan Joe Biden'ın adaylıktan çekilmesiyle birlikte Cumhuriyetçi Parti adayı Donald Trump, kendini yeni bir rakiple karşı karşıya buldu. VOA, Trump'ın kampanyasının Başkan Yardımcısı Kamala Harris'e karşı yeniden nasıl şekillendirdiğini inceledi ... Amerika'nın Sesi 1 hr
Barack ve Michelle Obama başkanlık yarışında Kamala Harris’i desteklediklerini açıkladı Public Domain  — Eski Başkan Barack Obama ve eşi eski First Lady Michelle Obama, Başkan Yardımcısı Kamala Harris’in Demokrat Parti başkan adaylığını destekleyeceklerini açıkladı. Böylelikle Harris, ABD’nin en popüler iki Demokrat Partili isminin beklenen ama yine de çok önemli olan desteğini almış oldu ... Amerika'nın Sesi 1 hr
EU ထိန်းချုပ် ရုရှားပိုင်ဆိုင်မှုထဲက ဒေါ်လာ ၁.၆ ဘီလီယံ ယူကရိန်းဆီလွှဲပေး Public Domain  — ယာယီပိတ်ဆို့ အရေးယူထားတဲ့ ရုရှားဗဟိုဘဏ်ပိုင် ဒေါ်လာ ၂၂၅ ဘီလီယံက ရရှိတဲ့ အတိုးငွေ ဒေါ်လာ ၁.၆ ဘီလီယံကို ယူကရိန်းအတွက် အကူအညီ ရရှိထားပြီလို့ ဥရောပသမဂ္ဂ(EU)က သောကြာနေ့က ကြေညာပါတယ်။ ... အေမရိကန္အသံ သတင္းဌာန 1 hr
États-Unis: le Premier ministre israélien Netanyahu reçu par Donald Trump pour renouer les liens Attribution+  —  Le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu est arrivé vendredi à Palm Beach, en Floride, pour y rencontrer Donald Trump et apaiser les tensions entre les deux dirigeants qui avaient noué des liens étroits lorsque l'ancien président républicain se trouvait encore à la Maison blanche. ... Radio France Internationale 1 hr
What impact did Netanyahu’s US visit have? Public Domain  — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a divided U.S. Congress Wednesday, with many Democratic lawmakers boycotting his speech and protesters surrounding the U.S. Capitol. But congressional Republicans said the speech was key to reaffirming the U.S. commitment to its Middle Eastern ally in the midst of the 10-month-old war with Hamas. Netanyahu’s speech to Congress was as much an address to the Israeli and Arab worlds about Israel’s goals as it was an address to the American public about the importance of U.S. support of Israel. VOA Flashpoint: Global Crises host Steve Karesh speaks with Avi Melamed, author and former Israeli intelligence officer and negotiator, for a look at how Netanyahu’s message was received at home. In addition to addressing the U.S. Congress, Netanyahu also met with U.S. President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and 2024 Republican nominee for President, Donald Trump. What did the trip achieve? Professor Michael Provence, who teaches modern Middle East history, focusing on the 20th century Arab East, at the University of California, San Diego shares his insight. Scott Paul, Oxfam America Associate Director of Peace and Security discusses the ongoing humanitarian concerns in Gaza after it released a scathing report on conditions there. Plus, Agusta University political science professor discusses the latest developments in the 2024 U.S. Presidential election following President Joe Biden’s withdrawal. ... Voice of America 1 hr
Blinken arrives in Laos, set for talks with Chinese foreign minister Public Domain  — Vientiane, Laos — U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived early Saturday in Laos, where he will attend a regional meeting and hold talks with his Chinese counterpart, part of a multination Asia visit aimed at reinforcing ties with regional allies in the face of an increasingly assertive Beijing. The top U.S. diplomat is due to meet China's Wang Yi on the sidelines of an Association of Southeast Asian Nations foreign ministers meeting being held in Vientiane. Blinken has prioritized promoting a "free and open" Asia-Pacific region – a thinly veiled criticism of China's regional economic, strategic and territorial ambitions. During a series of ASEAN meetings, "the secretary's conversations will continue to build upon the unprecedented deepening and expansion of U.S.-ASEAN ties," the State Department said in a statement shortly before Blinken touched down in Vientiane. This is Blinken's 18th visit to Asia since taking office more than three years ago, reflecting the fierce competition between Washington and Beijing in the region. He notably arrived two days after the foreign ministers of China and Russia met with those from the 10-nation ASEAN bloc – and each other – on the sidelines of the summit. Wang and Blinken would "exchange views on issues of common concern," China's foreign ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said Friday. Blinken is expected to "discuss the importance of adherence to international law in the South China Sea" at the ASEAN talks, according to the U.S. State Department. ... Voice of America 1 hr
The kamalkosh cane mat tells a story CC BY-NC-ND  — Prabhati Dhar is a master weaver of mats that incorporate auspicious motifs like banana trees and peacocks. Weaving a kamalkosh is a rare skill and one that she is passing on to younger people here in Cooch Behar district of West Bengal ... People's Archive of Rural India 1 hr
امریکا غږ لومړنۍ سهارنۍ خبري خپرونه Public Domain  — په دې نیم ساعته خپرونه کې د افغانستان او نړۍ تازه خبرونه، مهم رپوټونه، مطبوعاتو ته کتنه او مرکې شاملې دي. 1 hr
Juegos Olímpicos de París 2024: los patrocinios rompen récords históricos CC BY-SA  — El máximo evento del deporte experimentará en esta edición una fuerte disrupción desde el punto de vista publicitario. ... Mundiario 1 hr
Bruselas abre un expediente a los miembros de la UE por incumplir los objetivos de reciclaje CC BY-SA  — Todos los Estados miembros en 2020 debían recoger y tratar el 50% de los residuos urbanos para su reutilización y reciclado, sin embargo, España se quedó muy lejos, en el 36%. ... Mundiario 1 hr
Magnificent and humbling: the Paris opening ceremony was a tribute to witnessing superhuman feats of... CC BY-ND  — There has never been an opening ceremony quite like it. For the first time in Olympic Games history, the ceremony took place outside a stadium arena. Despite a rainy and miserable Paris evening, enormous crowds – most who paid no fee to attend – lined the banks of the Seine to witness this outdoor promenade of history, art and sport as 100 boats carrying 10,500 athletes sailed down the river. Designed to showcase the depth of French culture and celebrate the Olympics as a source of human greatness and unity, the ceremony combined the traditional and the irreverent. Paris featured as the unmistakable backdrop. The ceremony marked the first since 2018 that has not had to work around COVID restrictions. As the world watched, it took place amid a global context of war, invasion and genocide. Within the performances and speeches featured in the ceremony, there were aspects designed to address and acknowledge this, and promote peace and inclusion. A mission across Paris The ceremony was divided into thematic chapters, including Fraternite (fraternity), Sororite (sorority), Sportive (sportsmanship), Solidarite (solidarity), Solennite (solemnity) and Eternite (eternity). These were used as prompts to underpin each section of the sprawling, epic ceremony. Across the three hours, we travelled throughout Paris. Artists and sportspeople from across the broad spectrum of each of these fields were featured and celebrated. All was underpinned by an amazing soundtrack featuring French electro-pop bangers, classical music and opera. The ceremony was anchored by a masked torch bearer who initially arrived at the Olympic stadium only to realise they were in the wrong place. They embarked on a Parkour-like mission across the rooftops and streets of Paris with the torch held aloft. Kicked off by a short film featuring French soccer star Zinedine Zidane, followed by a performance from Lady Gaga, the ceremony brought together the iconic and the unexpected. Images of beret-wearing accordion players under bridges and the high kicks of 80 dancers in hot pink performing the can-can were interspersed with tributes to the French revolution and the contemporary rebuild of Notre Dame. There were stylishly considered moments. A single opera performer sung the French national anthem on the roof of the Grand Palais, as tribute was paid to the history of women in France. During this moment, ten golden statues featuring prominent French female political advocates, anarchists, explorers, botanists, intellectuals, journalists, artists and writers from across history emerged from plinths situated in the river. The moment ended with a soaring rendition of the anthem as the singer on the roof was accompanied by a chorus of children on a bridge across the river. The ceremony brought together tradition and contemporary performance. In a stunning moment, French-Mali singer Aya Nakamura performed with 60 musicians of the Republican Choir Guard dressed by Dior (obviously). Profoundly stunning images such as a concert pianist playing on a bridge over the River Seine on a raindrop covered piano were juxtaposed with an animated film featuring the beloved Minions (created by a French animation studio). BMX riders, breakers and circus performers on large pontoons performed death-defying stunts in front of illuminated fountains. A fashion parade on a bridge across the river featured up and coming French designers and included a demonstration of Eurodance styles including krumping, vogueing and breaking. DJs on decks and drag performers turned the Seine into Paris’ largest outdoor nightclub. Peace, inclusion and solidarity Toward the end of the three hour extravaganza, Paris was plunged into darkness as a singer standing near a burning grand piano floating on a barge delivered a poignant version of John Lennon’s Imagine. The words “We Stand and Call for Peace” in both English and French appeared on screen. This elicited an enormous cheer from the crowd, and underscored a theme appearing in speeches and theatrical images throughout the ceremony: inclusion, respect, solidarity and the role the Olympics can play in supporting these notions across global borders. “In our Olympic World we all belong,” claimed the International Olympic Committee chair Thomas Bach in his speech. Taking this idea further, as part of Solidarite, an illuminated silver mechanical horse carrying a rider wearing the Olympic flag appeared to gallop down the river. We watched images of Olympic moments over the years that united the world – and at times challenged dominant thinking. The rider emerged from the river on a dappled grey horse at the Trocadero at the base of the iconic and resplendent Eiffel Tower. A parade of flag bearers from all countries assembled behind the rider as they walked together through the streets of Paris to raise the Olympic flag and sing the Olympic anthem. It was magnificent and humbling. Zidane returned in person near the end of the ceremony to meet the masked torch bearer and was handed the Olympic torch. As the Eiffel Tower lit up with a jaw-droppingly spectacular laser display illuminating across the city, the torch travelled back down the river on a boat with athletes Rafael Nadal, Serena Williams and Carl Lewis. It continued its journey toward its final destination with a sign-interpreted electronic dance banger in the background. A parade of extraordinary French athletes completed the torch’s journey to the Olympic cauldron – a hot air balloon, a tribute to daring French inventors. The cauldron was set aflame and the balloon lifted into the air above Paris to the cheers of the crowds. Underneath the illuminated Olympic rings on the Eiffel Tour, Celine Dion sung Edith Piaf’s Hymne A l'amour. Dion’s journey to this performance has been publicly marked by illness. Her stirring and flawless performance against the odds speaks to the Olympic spirit of perseverance and witnessing superhuman feats of the extraordinary, reminding us sport and performance have much in common. Let’s hope the rest of the sporting event can match this creative beginning. Sarah Austin does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment. ... The Conversation 2 hr
Vale Ray Lawler: the playwright who changed the sound of Australian theatre CC BY-ND  —  © Commonwealth of Australia (National Archives of Australia) 2023., CC BYRay Lawler, who died this week at 103, was one of the artists responsible for establishing the first non-commercial repertory theatre in Australia – the Union Repertory Theatre Company, now Melbourne Theatre Company – and the writer of its best-known play, Summer of the Seventeenth Doll. It is impossible to think of the two achievements separately. So pronounced was the Doll’s success, it cemented the position of the company. The story of the production of the play is the story of the rise of the Union Theatre. Both are inception events for the structure, outlook and values of Australian theatre today. The ‘non-existent’ Australian plays Lawler was born in Footscray in 1921, leaving school when he was 13 to work in a factory. Taking acting classes whenever he could, he started writing plays during the war after being rostered on night shift. His first job in theatre was on the vaudeville circuit, playing “straight man” to American comedian Will Mahoney. In 1953 came an all-important meeting with John Sumner, founder of the Union Theatre, and the man who would lead it for 35 years. Sumner persuaded Lawler to try directing, and Sumner prevailed upon Lawler to let the Union Repertory Theatre Company produce the Doll. The Doll was not an obvious choice. In 1954, it shared first prize with Oriel Gray’s The Torrents in a playwrights competition. But this meant little. Australian plays often achieved literary recognition. It was getting them staged that was the problem. Ray Lawler, right, on stage in The Doll, with June Jago and Lloyd Berell. © Commonwealth of Australia (National Archives of Australia) 2023., CC BY Challenges continued into rehearsals. In 1965, Niall Brennan, the Union Theatre’s front of house manager, recalled: The theatre in those days was an imported thing; Australian plays, in commercial terms, were virtually non-existent […] The play was set in Carlton, literally almost over the road from the theatre. It was very hard for everyone to realise that we were so close to home. Was it a play about shearers and wombats, muttered one critic? On November 28 1955, the Doll opened. There had been successful Australian plays before this time, notably Steele Rudd’s On Our Selection (1912) and Sumner Locke-Elliot’s Rusty Bugles (1948). It is the extent and penetration of the Doll’s impact that makes it such a signal work, as well as the quality of its dialogue, characters, and comedio-tragic narrative. An Australian classic Lawler’s tale of the deterioration and collapse of the unconventional relationship between two Queensland cane-cutters and their off-season, Melbourne-based lovers was both an assault on the wowserism of the times, and a clear-eyed dissection of values we would now call masculinist. Unlike other plays of the 1950s, it retains its force and appeal. It is one of the few we can justly call an Australian classic. Supported by the Australian Elizabethan Theatre Trust (predecessor to Creative Australia), the Doll toured nationally, Lawler playing the role of Barney. The national tour’s final curtain call in Darwin Town Hall, 1960. © Commonwealth of Australia (National Archives of Australia) 2023., CC BY With the help of Lawrence Olivier, the production then transferred to London’s New Theatre, where it had a similar seismic impact on British audiences, running for over eight months, and winning the Evening Standard Award for Best New Play. Ken Tynan, the rising star of theatre criticism, wrote of Lawler’s “respect for ordinary people”, amazed at his ability to portray working class characters who were neither incidental nor the butt of class humour. Not until John Osborne, Arnold Wesker and Shelagh Delaney did English drama manage a similar feat. In 1959, the Doll was turned into a film by Hecht Hill Lancaster. In 1996, it was adapted as a chamber opera by Richard Mills. A singular event Lawler had a long career in theatre, but never repeated the triumph of the Doll. In 1957, he left Australia to live in Denmark, Britain and Ireland. Returning in 1975, he rejoined Sumner at the Melbourne Theatre Company until both retired in 1987. In 1975 and 1976, Lawler wrote two prequel plays, Kid’s Stakes and Other Times. Together, they make up The Doll Trilogy, complementing other trilogies in the Australian repertoire such as Peter Kenna’s Cassidy Album (1978), Janis Balodis’ The Ghosts Trilogy (1997) and Jack Davis’ The First Born Trilogy (1988). In retrospect, two things can be said about the Doll’s success. First, it is easy to take for granted and fall into rote deprecation of its influence, like the theatre critic Harry Kippax when complaining about a rush of subsequent plays he dubbed “the Doll clones”. Playwrights are not responsible for the drama they inspire, only the work they create. The Doll remains a singular event for Australian theatre, and for Australian culture more broadly, as it has tacked away from its British colonial origins. Second, while many Australians have heard about Summer of the Seventeenth Doll, and a good proportion have seen it, the play remains largely unproduced overseas. Here, the drama’s strengths may count against it. The authenticity of language and character that grabbed audiences in the 1950s, and remains impressive now, is hard to reproduce for non-Australian actors. The power and the challenge of the Doll is that it resists globalised interpretation: it remains supremely and stubbornly an Australian play. The last word can perhaps be given to Brennan about that opening night audience: None of us could understand it. The jinx [on Australian drama] had just gone! They clapped the house curtain when it went up, and they clapped the set. They clapped every actor who came on and the roars which greeted Ray’s own entrance were tremendous. When the curtain came down at the end, the theatre almost shook. Julian was Associate Director and Literary Adviser at Melbourne Theatre Company 2002-2007. ... The Conversation 2 hr
Harris'ten Netanyahu'ya çağrı: "Gazze'deki savaşı sona erdirmenin zamanı geldi" Public Domain  — İsrail Başbakanı Benyamin Netanyahu'yla görüşen ve Gazze'de yaşananlara sessiz kalmayacağını söyleyen ABD Başkan Yardımcısı Kamala Harris’in Gazze konusunda Başkan Joe Biden'dan daha sert bir ton kullandığı yorumları yapılıyor ... Amerika'nın Sesi 2 hr
Ukrainian adviser says agreement with Russia is 'deal with the devil' Public Domain  — KYIV, Ukraine — Signing an agreement with Russia to stop the war with Ukraine would amount to signing a deal with the devil, a top adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said, as pressure mounts on the country to seek an end to more than two years of fighting.  A deal would only buy time for Russian President Vladimir Putin to strengthen his army and usher in another,potentially more violent chapter in the war, Mykhailo Podolyak told The Associated Press in an interview Thursday.  "If you want to sign a deal with the devil who will then drag you to hell, well, go for it. This is what Russia is," Podolyak said when asked about the prospects for a peace deal for Kyiv, whose forces are locked in a bloody war of attrition with Moscow's troops in eastern Ukraine.  "If you sign anything today with Russia, that will not lose the war and will not be legally responsible for mass crimes, this will mean that you have signed yourself a ticket to continue the war on a different scale, with other protagonists, with a different number of killed and tortured people," he said.  Morale appears to be eroding It is a view held across Zelenskyy's camp and reflected broadly among Ukrainians. But it also increasingly comes up against the current of Western pressure, as Kyiv continues to face difficult front-line conditions against Moscow's larger, better equipped army, as well as uncertainty over the level of future political support from Ukraine's closest ally, the U.S.  War fatigue also appears to be eroding the morale of Ukrainians, who have struggled with constant bombardment, electricity outages and the loss of loved ones. A poll by the Kyiv International Institute for Sociology found that the number of Ukrainians opposed to territorial concessions to Russia in exchange for peace has continued to fall. It was 55% in July, compared with 74% in December.  Even Zelenskyy hinted at a willingness to negotiate with Russia for the first time since the 2022 full-scale invasion, suggesting Moscow should send a delegation to the next global peace summit, which is expected in November.  But Podolyak insisted that an agreement now would only delay greater violence.  "Yes, it can be a freeze of the conflict for a certain time. But this means that the Russian Federation will work on its mistakes and update its own army," he said. "An aggressor country did not come to the territory of Ukraine to sign a peace agreement. That's nonsense!"  A lasting peace that works for Ukraine would ensure a steady erosion of Russian military might encompassed by the "three tools" often reiterated by Zelenskyy: increased military support, effective economic sanctions and diplomatic pressure to isolate Russia.  As he spoke, Ukraine Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba was in China, one of Russia's closest allies, on a mission to forge closer ties. Podolyak said the goal was to provide explanations for Ukraine's positions and for why China should play a more "active intensive function in ending the war on the terms of international law."  On good terms with both US parties Few countries are watching the twists and turns of the U.S. presidential election more intently than Ukraine. But Zelenskyy is confident that his government has established good relations with both sides in the U.S. election, Podolyak said.  "Ukraine has fine relations ... with both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party," he explained. "It's not a matter of personal relationships, only on the candidate-leader level. This is a question of the institutional relations between the parties of the United States and the parties and institutions of Ukraine."  Some leading Republican politicians, including Republican nominee Donald Trump's running mate, Ohio Senator JD Vance, have voiced support for withdrawing vital American military support to Ukraine, and Trump is often portrayed as favoring Russian leader Vladimir Putin.  Zelenskyy, however, took Trump's nomination as an opportunity and had a phone call with him shortly after the Republican National Convention. Podolyak asserted that the phone call between the two was positive.  As for the Democratic Party, Podolyak said he has "great sympathy" for President Joe Biden's administration despite what he said was its slow decision-making regarding Ukraine.  "But they made all the decisions that Ukraine needed, one way or another: arms supplies to Ukraine; additional permits for strikes on the border territories of the Russian Federation; global diplomatic and informational support of Ukraine, and so on."  Whichever party emerges victorious from the November election, Podolyak asserted that Ukraine will continue to have strong relations with the U.S.  "Regardless of who will be the head of the White House, I don't see a scenario where it is possible to stop aid to Ukraine," he said.  ... Voice of America 2 hr
Abertura de Paris 2024 teve drag queens e beijo entre homens CC BY-ND  — Extrema direita francesa se incomodou com as referências libertárias na cerimônia inicial dos Jogos ... Brasil de Fato 2 hr
MAB entrega pauta de reivindicações sobre enchentes no RS ao ministro Paulo Pimenta CC BY-ND  — Ofício inclui demandas por reassentamento, reforma de moradias e melhorias no sistema de proteção contra cheias ... Brasil de Fato 2 hr
প্যারিসে সামার অলিম্পিক্স ২০২৪-এর উদ্বোধনী অনুষ্ঠান Public Domain   ভয়েস অব আমেরিকা 2 hr
'โอบามา' ประกาศสนับสนุน 'คามาลา แฮร์ริส' ชิง ปธน.สหรัฐฯในนามเดโมเเครต Public Domain  — อดีตประธานาธิบดีสหรัฐฯ บารัค โอบามาและภรรยามิเชล โอบามา ประกาศสนับสนุนคามาลา แฮร์ริส รองประธานาธิบดีคนปัจจุบันให้เป็นตัวเเทนพรรคเดโมเเครตลงเเข่งเลือกตั้งเป็นผู้นำประเทศ ... วอยซ์ ออฟ อเมริกา 2 hr
وائس آف امریکہ امریکی انتخابات: بھارتی امریکی ووٹر اس سال ووٹنگ کے لیے اتنے پرجوش کیوں؟ Public Domain  — ریپبلکنز کے لئے سرگرم کارکن یقین سے کہہ رہے ہیں کہ بھارت کے ہندو قوم پرست وزیرِ اعظم نریندر مودی سے ٹرمپ کے قریبی تعلقات کا اثر سابق صدر کے ووٹوں پر نظر آئے گا۔ 2 hr
Bốn dân biểu Mỹ hối thúc Thái Lan trả tự do cho ông Y Quynh Bdap Public Domain  — Bốn dân biểu liên bang Hoa Kỳ hôm 26/7 kêu gọi Thủ tướng Thái Lan không dẫn độ nhà hoạt động Y Quynh Bdap về Việt Nam, đồng thời hối thúc Bangkok tạo điều kiện để ông có thể định cư ở nước thứ ba. ... Đài Tiếng Nói Hoa 2 hr